The french revolution was..le bad! Because they had filthy weak proles kill the strong and intelligent (by ganging up on them proving us right by losing with dignity) Evola talks about this. But its also based because it was a popular revolution of the Qarmy rising up to chop the heads off of the credentialist class, sort of like january 6th if Trump was based but more like niggers killing libtards. But it also gave us Napoleon who was cool because he liked war and did a lot of war just to gain power (here we see Nietzsches influence) but he was also cringe because he didnt have an aryan völkerreich pilled mindset to kill all judeo-bolsheviks (Hitler talks about this, this is known as the Nietzsche-Hitlerian rift in philosophy) but just create a huge cosmopolitan ZOG with big armies that hated christ. Yet he did create the third reich inadvertantly by prompting the birth of Hitlerian nationalism in Germany as they went to fight immigrants and their ZOG regime (the french) which is christian because it tells of the meek inheriting the earth if they hold onto faith in God. The german nation reborn like Christ after his crucifiction to conquer the world.
I find it proof of Nietzsches theory of time being a flat circle because the french revolutionaries and Napoleon managed to do what they did inspired by his works. Nietzsche says and I qoute: "The will to power means if you are a french bourgeoise liberal you should machiavellianistically instrumentalize peasants to kill everyone who opposes you and seize power and glory. Also do big big wars with lots of guns." The people who object to big cool wars with lots of guns to take power are known as moralists, they hold onto rules that are different to the rule of do whatever it takes to do what you want. They are Kantians because a Kant was a man who had rules that he thinks are always true forever in every case for man while also being a wholesome good person, such as the nobility being on top of society. Imagine if we lived in hobbiton and there were rolling hills of farmland and women with head coverings thrashing wheat under the sun and laughing children running barefeet down dirtroads playing games while you put up your hairy feet in the shade of a windmill to sip wine and say “M’lord” tipping your medieval fedora as the credentialed superman who owns everything rides past. You’d share some comments on the weather and the war, the first being intimately familiar, the second you’ve never seen but imagine is terrible. Wherever its taking place (somewhere far away). He’d throw a golden coin at you for your troubles and ride off. This state of society is known as divine right of kings and is when nobility rule you. They are sort of like the people with degrees on television in that they make all the decisions because theyre better than you but their degree is their blood which is better since universities make you gay and train you to be a slave whereas these guys can be just as incompetent and gay as they want but also based and kill you on the spot if you insult them. Im a bit like a temporaraly embarassed aristocrat in that way, which is known as a republican. Jesus being the first Kantian wrote down all his categorical imperatives in a big book called the bible and has since been a thorn in the side of all mischling bodybuilders seeking to create global chaos anarchy big war harem sex sex wine orgies.
A legitimist is someone who likes order and respectability of the current world order. So nobility in one age and the right of facebook to ban you for antisemitism today. This clashes with Nietzsches view who says always kill people who disagree with you to assert your own power.
Carlsbad believed only corporations such as the noble estate, facebook, twitter, google, the clergy (journalists) have rights. If you dont like it, why are you such a leftist revolutionary? Do you hate the world order? Order and stability are good and everyone who disagrees with me are leftist revolutionaries. Such as the typical Jacobin German nationalists who want to create a völkish republic of hatred and big big wars and industry. They want to ruin the adults in the rooms respectable order where we sit on top of society and wag our finger at you dumb peasants for speaking up for wanting us to stop whoring our nation out to foreign interests and turning you into economic units. Touch hay, drink beer.
I love jews by the way! For some reason. I really really fucking love jews. I get really upset when people get angry at them. That story of them buying up all the food in Thornberg am Witteshaft before the famine to sell it back at extortionate prices that caused your little timmy to die of starvation has been deemed to be against community guidelines for inciting hatred. Your account is banned from posting in any Holy Roman Empire forum. The Jews are an estate you see, a corporation, for some reason. I didnt decide that, its actually a super national universal rule in my autistic view on the world, like human rights. No you cant see where human rights come from you dumb peasant. No you cant question if this relic really contains the sneeze of Christ in a vial. Your job is to listen and believe what we tell you. Im going to pass a bunch of longhouse laws called the Carlsbad decrees to censor any right-wing speech, antisemitism, break up nationalist movements and have you fired from your job for questioning ZOG. I am Metternich. I am Haller. I am Carlsbad. I am the true rightwing and if you dont like it youre a maoist and an idiot.
The french aristocracy and its king were useless inept losers who didnt deserve to rule but they didnt deserve to be deposed (Im a centrist btw) and unless a good thing happens (Hitler seizes power) nothing should ever happen. When people do overthrow their monarchs they are called slaves and this is a slave revolt, because they didnt have the divine right to rule. Much like how you asking your university professor how importing a bajillion niggers is going to improve society, he is a tenured professor and youre not, this is known as a slave revolt of the inferiors challening their masters and bad for stability- which we love.
No one has the right to depose me because I have a divine right to rule this country. If you oppose me you are a nigger kike jew who are just seeting (like soyjak) for being a slave (evola talks about this). Im also inept and a bad king who is mean because Im dumb and fat and lazy (natural decay of the ruling class over centuries(Im almost 30)) But if im in someone elses country I am a Nietzschean hyperborean Hitlerian noble who has the right to depose the liberal elite degenerate ruling class aristocracy of ZOG and if you dont agree with my call to bloody revolution you are a kikeslave NPC normiebot libtard moralist crybaby who probably watches Steven Colbert.
Im a spiritual aristocrat, that means reactionaries think I should rule society (I agree) my first order of business is total revolution to kill all libtards in the ruling class. Im a degenerate alcoholic with divine right, which is based (evola talks about this). I hope to one day mimic my jacobin communist nigger heroes from France and Haiti whom I also despise and wish to exterminate and rule over, in order to kill the inept degenerate credentialed liberal ruling class and take their place to create a new liberal ruling class lead by me (The "liberal ruling class" much like “the aristocracy” is a static class, it can be possessed by good people or bad people) and once we raise the banner of the swastika over Evropa while exterminating leftists that have more university degrees than me and make more money than me (Im a slave btw) and declare the Hitlerian global reich of White power as all journalists are hung and the universities demolished have the entire world declare war on my new based state and pulverize my based slave revolt into oblivion so that my ideological heirs 300 years from now can call me a leftist cuck and I smile down from heaven pleased that they "get it".
My eyes kind of glazed over reading this, but I did finish it. (Evola talks about this)
What did he mean by this