The middle ages saw a flourishing of theology from Anselm and Abelard to Aquinas, as the field was explored with renewed vigour by an emerging class of learned monks christian theology deepened as new terminology was invented to describe mysteries in the christian religion which inevitably lead to new ways of thinking. The new found interest for and spread of Aristotles works beginning in the 12th century lead to an increase in the application of his ideas to religion, in practice this meant a much more exact analytical tool to describe the inner workings of Gods miracles down to the smallest minutiae which reached its peak in Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) work Summa Thelogiae which delved into such questions as at “how many days after conception is a soul is infused into a fetus for a boy contra a girl” (3 weeks for boys, 4 for girls) and “do dogs go to heaven?” (No, here is my 4 page breakdown of the structure of a human and animal soul and which parts beget what state in the afterlife) and many many more, the book contains 3,125 articles of explanation. He praised aristotle so highly he dubbed him merely "The Philosopher".
This inevitably lead to a crisis in theology, hotheaded monks were seemingly just pulling out new concepts out of their ass and claiming they were real. Aristotelian philosophy is extremely rational, and if you are of an extremely rationalizing, analyzing and systematizing sort this produces a very volatile mixture. The philosophy you end up with starts out as just mere christianity you add some scaffolding too to make it more stable and well-rounded, and then you continue to build scaffolding upon scaffolding until the entire structure has become so large and clumsy the christianity underneath becomes obscured under your intellectual structures and must eventually make way for the ever increasing scaffolding of new concepts to make the pieces fit together. At the beginning it was a way of describing what we can know, the concept of “roundness”, “green” and “chair” may exist independently of objects. This is known as realism and is not to say we didnt know this before, its just a way of structuring arguments in order to make philosophy and epistemology work. Alright, this doesnt help the common man much who knows what a chair and the color green is a priori through the advanced philosophical tool discarded by most scholastics known as “common sense” but it is candy to the philosopher, so far nothing to take offense too. These tools were used to help us describe things which are metaphysical, such as goodness and the Holy and is useful in theology a way to create categories which students of aristotle are familiar with from his work “The categories”. Yet following the brutal tyranny of logic the rationalizing machine cannot stop by itself and sooner or later you find that the catholic church has concluded that the beaver is a fish because of its semi-aquatic nature, muslims went further and argued chicken isnt meat but belong in the same category as fish because they do not birth live offspring but eggs, easterners come in and tell you your soul is divided in 7 parts known as chakras and the one in your anus is associated with the color red, passion and the lotus flower, psychologists tell you your mind is divided in three parts the Id, ego and superego. You might disagree. You might even think this all sounds rather silly. Do you have a philosophy degree? Maybe doctorate in psychology? Or are you even ordained by the church in Rome? That’s what I thought, so you dont have a right to critcize, it just is this way because dont question it ok!?
Enter William of Ockham, who took the axe to the tree of philosophy and cut it down to save the church. The origin of his razor came as a rebuttal to this problem, that the simplest solution is always the correct one, demolishing the finely crafted air castles of theologians and philosophers alike, calling out the emperor for having no clothes and has since caused autistic retards to go ballistic, chewing their tounges in rage for centuries. In essance the argument boils down to; “you cant prove that, you dont actually know that, you just made that up to make your theory work”. His premise was that there is an ongoing problem among monkish theologians to simply assume premises which support their preferred outcomes to be true and construct their theories around that without any empirical evidence. An example, modern day realists posit that an invisible force called racism exists in society which causes great pain to members of non-white populations causing them to live in poverty and act out in violent or unproductive ways. Ockham would come in and say, “maybe niggers are just violent and retarded.” which would trigger a litany of fury among our own monkish professors, spewing out bile of repudiation from their monasteries known as universities, egging on their cattle-like peasantry to burn the heretic at the stake for breaking their perfect model of realism. Ockham himself acknowledged that this makes philosophy and theology hard again, admitted he had no answers, shrugged and stopped studying theology altogether by moving to bavaria, ignoring the hundreds of learned spastics who were sent spinning into uncontrollable spams of cope from his work, continuing to this day.
The catholic church fell in love with Aquinas and his work, the devolution of the catholic church during the late middle ages was precipitated by these “monkish” scholars who had Aquinas canonized in 1323, effectively replacing St. Augustine with Aquinas as the main influence behind the Roman church’s doctrine. These autistic realists had by then invented a pantheon of theological novelties (which have to be real because…because…because they just do, ok!?) most infamous of which being purgatory. The advanced theorycrafting of building new assumptions upon previously accepted premises had come up with an idea that there could be a middle in-between stage between heaven and hell where one could “burn off” ones sins before entering heaven, that one could pay monks alms as a way to have them pray for ones sins, and this must work because they had already established that there must exist an invisible heaven ledger of sin and virtue points by which ones salvation score was tallied by after death, just like in bookkeeping. If your debit was greater than credit due to too much sin and not enough good works, then the negative balance was what you had pay off in purgatory through suffering. You could simply mine virtue points in real life like in an rpg by doing hail marys over and over again to reduce time in purgatory and the work of the priest during confession was, like a DM in D&D, to check the rulebook of Summa Theologicae to calculate how many hail marys or how many thaler you needed to donate to the church to make up for this sin you confessed too. They had even gone so far to claim the Pope owned a “treasury of merit” which had been given to him by Paul, this being a treasury of heaven points naturally (no you cant see them) imbued among other things in all the relics the church owned. This splinter of the cross for example has exactly 811 years of purgatory reduction in it, and the total years in purgatory the treasury could forgive was calculated by these scholastics down to the exact year which was somewhere in the millions range. Since the pope had the metaphysical keys (no you cant see those either, just trust me on this, he has them) to the church he could dispense with this treasury and it naturally follows that the pope can free people from suffering in agony in hell that isnt hell, but only if he feels you deserve it, like for example in exchange for a generous donation to the church. You might find this is stupid, you might even have evidence to the contrary, but do you want to lose your life? The pope has the ability to free people from purgatory.
Enter Martin Luther, who was the head of a new generation of europeans who had had it with the frankly ridiculous explanations and corruption of their intellectual class who by all merits were less intelligent and less in touch with reality than the common man. Raised in the Ockhamist tradition, come to restore St. Augustine to his rightful place in catholicism, he stood up and said “You cant know that, you just made all of that up, and frankly you are anti-christ corrupting the true church of Christ.” which is oldspeak for “gay libtards bluepilling the masses.” What Luther called the “stupid monks” whom he blaimed for this philosophical realism non-sense are the same type we today usually refer too as nerds and I call autists. He denounced their main source for their arguments; reason itself and was adamant that reason by itself isn’t enough and is prone to going wrong on its own. Christianity isnt just the best of pagan philosophy, a perfectly rational system of logic one can reason oneself too, but the magical spirit of the Holy Ghost posessing man through the living faith in God. The true faith we are to aspire too is more than pure reason. The only thing we can know for certain is in Holy Scripture, the word of God himself, “sola scriptura” and so all our intellectual constructs beyond the holy scripture are worthless at best and suspect of leading one into pride or retardation at worst. Why not let the autists simply speculate? Since inevitably with all such speculation, theorycrafting and realism let loose without bounds they end up creating arguments which ultimately go against the source material they started from, bending it out of shape to fit the theory. Be it holy scripture in theology or reality in philosophy.
Realism has its place and nominalism is needed to reel it back in again, to make you ask yourself if you can really know that or if its just something you or someone else thought up in their minds, to be capable of laughing and saying “well maybe it is just a thought”. We all use some form of categories in our thinking, you probably use several sorts of these realist theories in your thinking without thinking about them or criticizing them. You come across them in all forms and they produce marvelous maps, however erronous, for us to navigate the world with. Did you know? Hasidic Jews in New York and medieval peasants fall into the same category of r/selected peoples because they both have many children, theyre the same. Did you know the protestant reformers and the LGBT movement stem from the same thought-stream of ideas? They do, because they both belong in the category of people who criticize the catholic church. With realism, anything is possible and the best part is that you feel smart as you engage in it, the diseased organ of your body that is the rational faculties of your mind going into overdrive as your horizons narrow. Chesterton recommended in such cases to either amputate the head or read poetry to get out of this rigid mode of thinking, for Luther it was faith in God.
This sort of thinking was popularized recently by the white supremacist sex addict turned philosopher Mencius Moldbug in his seminal work “the clearpill” which argued in the style of gigachad dialogues that one should do away with all forms of realist philosophy in ones thinking and rely purely on things we can see with our own eyes as to not confuse ourselves in theorycrafting as a way to debunk jewish claims about the Holocaust. Nietzsche, drawing heavily on this clearpill philosophy wrote his best qoute when he said that a “class of priests” had blinded mankind by spinning webs of religion and philosophy over their eyes. An even earlier subscriber to clearpill philosophy was Napoleon who cautioned his generals against “painting pictures” in their minds of what they wanted to be real until they came to believe them instead of relying on merely the information they had.
All of this thinking started in the unlikely place of arguing with a friend about ww2, who I admit seems to be somewhere on the spectrum based on his hyperfocus on all things German, who at first irritated me with his constant going on about “exploring counterfactuals” which was his way of saying alternative history. He kept coming back to how if only this army had gone here or there, if there just hadnt been any mud or if lend lease couldve been stopped, then this wouldve followed and then this which naturally as you can see wouldve lead to this. He assured me that German victory was assured at the outset of Barbarossa and there was no way the germans couldve lost and all the simulations (be this Hearts of Iron 4, pong or re-enactments by cosplayers was never explained) bore this out, that actually the simulations have a hard time ever simulating the germans ending up doing what they actually did or being stopped where they were stopped. I asked if this wasnt an indictment of the simulations if they couldnt model reality but this was a stupid thing to ask as if reality doesnt conform to your mental models then it is reality which is wrong and naturally didnt merit a response.
After taking a step back from the debate and drinking an energy drink I had an epiphany as my brain started kicking into gear. How all of these things are connected in epistemology. Alternative history is popular among autists as much as trannies (many of whom are on the spectrum) for the reason they both create their identity around counterfactuals (delusions). For one “What if Germany won ww2” for the other “What if I were a woman” and both rely on this theorycrafting of inventing things and believing in them in order to sustain their ideas. This is not to say I do not enjoy alternative history as popcorn entertainment. Same way I love sci-fi as entertainment, but I draw the line at when space autists start talking as if FTL travel or terraforming are real concepts and begin theorycrafting of how they are going to go into space and react just as strongly against these delusions. “Dont worry, this tech will be invented soon, or eventually, because, because…it just will, ok?”
The eternal autist who ruins all science, history and theology and by extention society for everyone with his incessant theorycrafting. Autism and converting to catholicism or orthodoxy is clearly linked, one guy I knew was on the spectrum read the Summa Theologicae and converted to catholicism since this appealed to his higly systematizing mind. Last I heard he was fretting over how the mask mandate was a law from legal authorities and thus disobeying it meant temporarily losing your salvation until you could get back into a safe zone to recharge your holiness with enough rosary counting. The other guy, who has a diagnosis, converted to orthodoxy and introduced me to this concept by giving me the kids version of why nominalism is bad, “see how nominalists cant tell how two glasses of water are the same, they would claim they’re completely different and can draw no connections between the two!” today I understand better why he had such a grudge against the idea. I see a lot of this online as well, Luther argued people go into overdrive about laws because the devil, their master, drives them on with a whip. I remember the research done which said autistic people feel no faith in God. I too would seek merely to reason my way to God and work as hard as I could using a gamehack trick guide to find new exploits too if I had merely an intellectual conviction of God being real, but that is not Faith, which is something alive in us.
What I started out with reacting against in liberalism was their convoluted mental maps to explain the world with that did not conform to reality whatsoever. I found Nietzsche, Luther, Ockham even Moldbug and Descartes extremely helpful as all of them pointed me towards the end goal: a reformation. Total iconoclasm. To smash all of these idols and values and mental maps which have enslaved the minds of millions and returning to pure facts and logic. We will demolish all our monastic orders from Harvard to Cambridge, drive out the monkish professors and all their alumni with whips to have them tarred and feathered in the revolution. Tear down all the false icons from pride flags to Martin Luther King statues. Ban all pagan holidays from Pride month to Holocaust remembrance day. Dethrone every bishop from their studio talkshow pulpits for desecrating the Holy clearpilled truth with their liberal lies.
Our liberals are high on this fantasy they’ve constructed in their minds where the black professor hands his female asian and indian students doctors degrees as they smile and Baba Yetu plays as they look at blueprints and point at a construction site building some high tech skyskraper with an arab engineer, all the while black children frolic and play in the grass chasing butterflies and laughing. This not only a panel from the original V for Vendetta comic but it is also the overriding realist theory of what the perfect society ought to be like according to liberals and if reality will not conform to it then reality be damned and should be smashed to pieces in the pursuit of their twisted ideal. Just like how the astrophysicists (who are smarter than you, dont question it) couldnt make their models of the universe work they simply added “dark materia” to the calculation to make up for the differreces in their predicted outcome and real measurable outcomes, proving the existance of dark matter since otherwise our eggheads theories wouldnt work, our liberals will simply add more racism and mysoginy to any calculation whenever blacks predictably fail to live up to the standard of the happy innocent black man who likes jazz and wants to be their cool friend.
This is a longwinded and too lengthy post on why autists ought to be ridiculed in every space they inhabit and I could go on and on with examples of these errors. What we need is an Erasmus who says “Ad fontes!” as he abolishes the civil rights act. What we need is a Luther who says “Here I stand, I can do no other” as he tramples a prideflag into the dirt. We need Ockham to remove human rights, as there is no evidence for its existance. We need a groyper who’s ready to deport africans en masse, because hes broken all illusions of them ever being capable of living next to us. To boldly continue that path our trailblazing north european ancestors set before us of Nominalsim, Protestantism, the clearpill. Against ever being enslaved by delusions or heresies propagated by an autistic eunuch class of learned scholars and slip back into the eternal darkness of Asia. Forward white man, against the idols of this world.
Best defense of protestantism I ever read.
Never took the Catholic side for being the rationalist ones, thought Protestant obsession with Sola Scriptura was more nerdish than Catholic "Tradition"
Very interesting critique of realism. Although the anti autistic rhetoric is deplorable. Autists are the master race.